The Into The Ocean Scuba Club offers our certified divers a social backdrop and a peer group they can continue to learn and grow with. Together, divers will work with mentors, volunteers, and dive masters to continue honing their skills and creating new goals. Through Into The Ocean Scuba Club, divers will be exposed to ongoing opportunities, inspiration, and knowledge. We want to open eyes, and open doors to the endless opportunities and paths that a career in scuba can take. Those who persevere in their studies will be awarded the opportunity to further their dive certifications and work towards taking part in our coveted Into The Ocean Expeditions. From there, the ocean has no limit.
Our dream is for our youth to become the future ambassadors and stewards of the ocean. The youth we train today will be the scuba instructors, marine biologists, marine archeologists, recovery divers decompression divers, clearance divers, tech divers, explorers, oceanographers, boat captains, commercial divers, public safety divers, underwater photographers, scientific divers, bloggers, conservationists, forensic divers, and hopefully Into The Ocean instructors, mentors, volunteers, and program directors.